greeted by the attack pack!

The campground host has two dachshunds and a Chihuahua terrier mix and they come racing across the campground whenever they see anyone. They swarm around your feet and make a ton of racket. Real defenders of their turf. It is pretty annoying first thing in the morning. We nicknamed them the attack pack.

Off we go fishing again. I had a little better luck today. I hooked two bass and even got one small one into the boat. Kent caught a little cat fish and then this HUGE…UUUUUGLY sucker. I got it into the dip net but couldn’t even lift if into the boat. Kent had to two-hand drag him over the side of the boat (of course we had to try to weight and measure and all that cause that is what real fishermen do) then we had trouble getting it back out of the boat. In the end, the sucker was back on his way and Kent got a couple impressive pictures.
We released everything again today. Either too small or in the case of the sucker, too ugly!
We watched heron fish; they hardly ever miss and are a riot to watch “stalk” the strike. We saw eagles again too as well as lots of loons. They don’t do the familiar Canadian lake yodel call much in the winter though. They make more of a little barking sound when they float and chat to one another. Its just a bunch of males hanging out. No showing off for mating season right now I guess.
We saw a muskrat or something like it playing along the bank. Always something to entertain even if the fish are not biting. Nice day.

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