Happy 250th Huntingdon

We joined in singing happy birthday and got a piece of delicious cake. A local bakery did itself proud with a traditional yellow cake with white icing and a more out of the ordinary chocolate with peanut icing. Washington Street is lined with booths hawking crafts, antiques and whatnots plus two or three face painting stations.  The chain saw carving guy was on break and the black smith between pieces but we got to see lots of kids limbo-ing and hoola hooping.  It is definitely a small town family thing.

A local dairy represented PA milk producers well. The Peanut butter revel and raspberry cones were very messy on this 85 degree day but tasted marvelous.


The Isett Museum is just up the road.  They have some amazing collections of all kinds of stuff provided by locals.  There are a number of “I never saw one of those before”:  an indoor butchering kettle, a wallpaper trimming machine, a doubled headed crescent wrench, an 8 track tape player with automatic changer, rectangular grand piano… and more I can’t remember.  It is all well displayed and roving docents provide some nice talking points around the collections.  Check it out if you are around.


Re-enactors set up a small civil war era encampment on the museum grounds this weekend. The guys really get into the part and are great to talk to…mostly listen too once they get rolling.

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