Heading south

It is beginning to feel too much like winter here.  It is damp and cold and threatening snow. Time to head south.

No big rush breaking camp.  It will be an easy day since our first stop is Missoula, just a 3 ½ hour drive.  A quick weather check as we roll reveals a road closure, Going to the Sun Road in Glacier National Park.  It will probably open again for a while before the close of the season but we are both sure moving on is the right thing to do.

Home for the next couple nights is Yellow Rock Campground.  It is actually a rename of the square-dance and campground park we found our last time through.  It is still a nice quiet place.  No sign of square dancers though.  It is errand time, haircuts and laundry and a little shopping to hold us over ‘til our flight to NY.  We squeeze in a trip to the Missoula Carousel and I ride the dragon but I can’t manage to grab a gold ring so no free ride for me.  I forgot how fast it goes!  What a fun ride.  We hoped to meet up with a couple we volunteered with in Aransas NWR but haven’t connected yet.  Looks that will have to wait until next time.

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