Hooray, they are still here.

Idle.  No wake.  Squinting, watching intently for a glimpse of the bulbous snouts or huge fanned tails to float into view.  We are moving slowly through the basin that is the origin of Salt Spring.  Water is clear and the temperature is 74F here, a cozy 10F warmer than out in the  open lake.

Manatee Salt Spring Comp_0267 Manatee Salt Spring Comp_0268 Manatee salt Spring Comp_0262  One, two, manatees glide by not seeming to even notice us.  We move on nearer to the origin of the spring then cut the engine to float and wait.  Yes, they glide by just a couple feet below us.  One flips its tail at the boat that has encroached on its space.  Others, seemingly oblivious to our presence, methodically munch their way through the eel grass that covers the bottom of the lake.  We hear the swish of their breaths and watch them peacefully loll in their giant hot tub.  They will be heading out into the open waters soon.  I am excited to get to see them again.

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