House Inspection Day

Up before dawn to meet the Inspector at the house by 9AM.  It’s 34 and snowing when we leave camp and we cross a couple of ridges getting to the Interstate.  It is never really slick but the temperature gets down to freezing and we are grateful to meet the salt truck between the ridges. Inspection goes well with no serious findings and the inspector helpful with advice on the small things he does find.  We will have a few honey dos to get done this first summer.  It is a nice chance to look around the property a little more and chat with the seller.

We get a bit more flavor for the area when we grab lunch at Tellico Plains, Tellicafe.  Waitstaff and even customers are all very chatty.  I try their house-make green tomato and country ham soup…salty but sooo good.  A swing by the realtor office puts us in Sweetwater just across from the local Ice Cream Parlor, Sweetwater Creamery.  We check it out of course opting for delicious lemon crunch and pecan caramel.  Back on the road, we are back at camp by dark.  468 miles today. Ugh!

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