How far will they go?

“One of America’s greatest driving adventures.”  We started up the Dalton Highway today.  Dalton Hwy Comp_4591In day 1 we made it to just beyond the Yukon River Crossing, 60 miles of bumpy gravel road.  We met and were passed by a few truckers but they generally slowed and stayed on their own side of the road.  Some of the cars and pickups were less courteous in passing and slowing to meet.  Even so, it has been no where near as scary as the many stories we have been hearing.  The paved Elliot Highway was actually more of a challenge.  We waddled across 65 miles of near continuous frost heaves and slips at an average speed of 35 mph.  I spent the whole time in the right hand seat.  I don’t suppose my assessment of road quality is the most important one. Kent’s willing to continue the adventure.  We are continuing North tomorrow.



Fireweed is starting to bloom.  It supposedly blankets much of this area by late June/early July.  I hope to see more.  Pretty meager wildlife viewing; red squirrels and a handful of baby quail.  We are just getting into the panoramic mountain views.  I am looking forward to seeing what’s around the next bend.

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