I thought we were in Texas (think flat)

We turned onto route FM170 toward Big Bend State Park and passed a warning sign about a steep grade.  It was defined as 15% for 1 ½ mile.  As we approached “the Big Hill” as it is known locally, a gentleman was following us so I pulled over to let him pass.  Instead he stopped and inquired “Have you ever been on this road before?  Many folks won’t even take a motorhome pulling a car over that hill.  There is an asphalt truck down over the side from a while back and it is still down there.  They can’t get it out.  And the other side is just as steep going down.  There is a turnaround just ahead at the picnic area.”  I thanked him for his concern and we proceeded on.

The Big Hill-River Road

The Big Hill-River Road

I am sure he reported something about flatlanders to his waiting wife.  Well, on the pull up the hill we got as low as 10 mph then peeked over the top and started down.  It wasn’t all that bad.  No overheated engine or transmission parts and no hot brake smells or symptoms.  But for future reference, I think 15% is a real limit for the rig fully loaded.

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