Into the wilderness by boat

It is a chilly 46F this morning but the forecast includes lots of powerful Georgia sunshine so we head out early to paddle Okefenokee.  The first two miles are along a paddle-only trail (no powerboats) and it is more like poling than paddling.  We twist and turn through a narrow path that is thick with lily pads and floating mats of moss. Progress is slow but it gives us lots of time to check out the wildlife.

Finally, it feels good to break out into the open channel.

It is warming up and the alligators are getting more active. We spot the telltale eyes and a snout in the smooth water.  As we move closer, it sinks silently into the depths.  That is a very creepy sight!  We slide past moss draped cypress trees.  Hawks call in territorial dispute.  The wide open wetland prairies are home to flocks of blue heron, egrets and Ibis.  Great blue heron go about their solitary hunt in the shallows.

The sun is baking down now. Alligators line the shore.  Some guard their grassy nests.  Most ignore our passing.  A few slide smoothly down the banks into the safety of the dark still water.  I wonder how many we floated over and never even knew were there?  We made it through the entire day without seeing even one snake.  Nice.  I wonder how many of those we passed unseen?

We pull out. It was a good day on the water.

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