Is this really Texas?

We are in day three of 70s, sunny and low humidity. It is beautiful. Plus, now that we are out of self- isolation we have been to dinner at the kid’s actually in their house. Hooray. We have grocery shopped for ourselves, done laundry, and have run a bunch of pent up errands. It is not all exciting but it does make life feel a bit more normal. In less than a week we take off for New York to visit Mike, Tracy and nearly 2-year-old granddaughter, Willa. It has been nearly 4 months since we saw them last and she has grown up so much – thank goodness for video chat and posted videos so we can watch from afar. I am counting the days til we see them in person.
Check out these masks. I have had a bit of time on my hands and rules/recommendations seem to be changing all the time. Now we have some for everyone if masks turn out to be required or just prudent. What a weird thing to be thinking.

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