It Is a mileage day

After a last minute course correction by our Garmin shortened the route by 45 minutes, we settled in for 9+ hours in the seat covering 520 miles while Kent wrestles with high gusty headwinds much of the way puts us overnighting in the Cabella’s lot in Farmington, UT.   We accomplish our goal; plus, it puts us in a place for our first-time dinner at Mo’Bettah’s, for ‘Hawaii style’ fast food.  We go for sort of sampler plates and wind up trying their sweet smoked pork (kalua pig), teriyaki steak, and signature teriyaki chicken all with lots of rice and of all things, macaroni salad.  Two dinners, way more food than we can finish, and it is delicious.  One doggie bag please.  It is a bit pricey but portions are big.  We could easily have shared one entrée.  The Cabella’s lot is brightly lit and noisy as we head to bed but things quiet down soon and we get a pretty good night’s sleep.

We saw pronghorn along the way!  Always a treat to see.

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