It’s damp and gray.

It is a great morning to sleep in then have a real cooked breakfast. Today we will have an omelet instead of the cold cereal or oatmeal that comes on early walleye run mornings.  It is nice to relax over that extra cup of coffee too.  The weather never really improves and the wind picks up making it feel just miserable even at 59F.  We don’t get out on the lake at all today.


We take some time to pursue the other great Wakami/Canada quest, wild blueberries. We find a great patch out the Wakami Dam road and pick about 5 pints.  Your got to see Kent’s picking outfit complete with head net and bear spray!  Mine looks pretty similar…the mosquitoes are formidable.  We eat some fresh berries, freeze some for later treats, and the rest are in the frig for another round of pancakes and best-ever yogurt topping.


We took the opportunity to check out Patricia’s. There are little signs all over camp advertising Patricia’s Bait and Confectionary Shop in Sultan “everything for the fisherman”.  We just had to check it out.  The two story frame house has a full width front porch that is Patricia’s business establishment and is indeed packed full of all kinds of stuff.  Need a reel?  A gasline for your boat?  Minnows?  Ice cream?  Snacks?  Canned goods?  Rope? Ice?  Any kind of lure or tackle?  Little carved bear?  Shear pins for outboard props. They were pretty light on anything I would classify as a confection.  We had a nice chat with “Mr. Patricia” (Patricia left by bus for Toronto this morning to visit her 92 yr old mom).  We didn’t find anything we needed but it is a little town and even strangers get all the gossip and hear a few fishing tales.  It was a fun stop.

Just so you know, they have a 7 bedroom house for rent…sleeps 10 in case anyone is interested in a group outing.

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