Keep on trekking

We headed for bed around 9 last night after taking a preventive dose of ibuprofen.  There was still some tossing and turning with tired feet and leg cramps but eventually we dosed off.  It seemed like only minutes ‘til I get an elbow bump and “Its 6:05.  Are we going hiking?”  There is a 10 minute snooze then we are up and the coffee perking.  The air is cool and the sky clear as we head out for another chance for long mountain views. We are at the route 47 trailhead for the Giant Ledge trail before 8:30.

The trail looks a lot like a stream bed.  Loose rocks are strewn haphazardly and it is wet underfoot.  Thankfully there’s been no rain the last day or two so it is passable.  Occasionally sunlight makes its way through the canopy splashing brilliant patches on the forest floor.  Birds chip and tsk up in the canopy and woodpeckers softly peck in search of breakfast.  We are grateful for the cool temps and shed jackets before the halfway mark.  It is a workout because of elevation change and all-consuming to watch foot placement among the obstacles.  We have the place pretty much to ourselves as we encounter only three hikers the entire climb.  We have arrived!  From a clear rock cropping we take in a majestic view across at least 5 mountain ridges.  Streaks of clouds form along the ridgelines.  There are so many colors of green.  Wind rustles the treetops beneath us.  Here on our perfect perch the cool air swirls and brilliant sun warms.  It is a great place to hang for a bit.

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