Lovely paddle

The wind is manageable and the sun brilliant so we head out for a paddle.  Our launch site is a bit precarious but we both manage to get in and out of the kayaks without getting wet.  Perfect!  Left minimally, nearly every foot of shoreline is heavily lined with tall reeds and grass.  It is awkward for leg stretch breaks but perfect for wildlife.  Graceful, beautifully marked Western Grebes fill the air with their rattley trills.  Clunky black American Coots cluck and a pod of beggardly mallards assault our ears with maniacal laughing quacks.  Snowy egrets walk the ragged shores shaking their big clown feet while stealthy sora move amid the shelter of the reeds.  Limpkin stand statue still at the water’s edge. Moorhens with their candy corn beaks chatter as they forage.   Osprey and northern harrier soar above.  I see some sort of furry mammal but never close enough to identify it.  It is a lovely paddle.

We end our day with grilled burgers and s’mores.  Very nice.

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