More exploring

With one gentle paddle MtBakerReflectComp_4183the kayak glides across the glass smooth lake. Mountainous shoreline and brilliant white puffy clouds are perfectly reflected in the mirror like surface.     We set out from Shannon Creek.  To the north we ran slalom among floating timbers.  We shared that Loons3Comp_4171space with three loons who chatted and fished then cruised right past us as we floated.  One spotted plump fellow with legs just a paddling glided just beside my kayak.  Boat access campsites dot the shore.

Another frigid creek tumbles into the lake. We can paddle just far enough into the cove  to feel the cold wind rushing down with the water.

It is a bit choppy but maybe a bit further. We paddle on.  It’s a bit more choppy and starting to be work instead of fun.  We make for home requiring considerably more energy than that quiet paddle out this morning.  All worth it.

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