Mosquito activity index: Horrible

Don’t fear, it can get worse than that. The scale has one more level, HYSTERICAL

Sites here at Everglades Flamingo campground are pretty small so we have to drop the trailer in overflow.  No biggie.  We jump out of the motor home to unhook and are immediately swarmed by mosquitoes.  We swat madly and rush to finish so we can retreat back inside.  What is the first action once we reach our site?  A thorough dosing of DEET and it seems to do the trick.  We are emboldened to go explore.

Here is something new, a ranger led Ethno botany walk. She identifies trees in the area and their use through the years for food and shelter.  Sea grape, many types of mangrove, gumbo limbo (tourist tree with peeling red bark.  You know, like peeling sunburn)  It is really an adaptation that allows the tree to slough off vines by loosing outer skin,  mahogany, coconut palm, thatch palm, royal palm, and on the trees, Spanish moss.  We learned some new stuff.

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