Moving On

We are up and on the road by 8:30. That will get us to Kicking Horse Campground in Yoho National early enough to get a first come first serve site, we hope.  There is lots of construction on the TransCanadian Highway so the drive is a bit stressful and takes a bit longer than planned.  I am happy, the snow-capped mountains are beautiful.  There are more avalanche sheds.  Seeing those certainly doesn’t make me want to be up here in the winter!

We roll into the campground..its 11:30…we crossed time zones!  Too late.  Only tent sites ae available.  No biggie though, we find a spot just next door in Monarch Campground and it is just fine.  We even have time to do a bit of exploring yet today.     

Did you know?  When one is talking glaciers the word névé means, sort of, pre-glacier snow.  It is grainy and has been refrozen and just waiting to be compacted to become part of the icefields and ultimately the glacier.  This trip is the first time we have seen that term on maps. 

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