Off to a cold windy start

It is gray, windy and damp. Not a great start for a day out on the lake.  Fishing starts off slowly too.  I began to think that perhaps we should have slept in.  Things improved though.  I felt a tiny tap on my line.  A feisty walleye fishlet, maybe 3” long tried to eat my minnow that was easily half his size.  He got a hold of it well enough that I actually pulled the walleye up into the boat.  Even that small, he had fierce looking teeth!  Fortunately for him he didn’t get hooked so was easily returned to swim another day.   The sun peeked through and the day warmed a bit.  All in all we caught and threw back three northern and one almost-big-enough-to-keep walleye.  We spotted the huge eagles nest with its current occupants close by.  Loons, ducks and mergansers kept us company.

Even a “bad” day on the lake is a pretty good way to spend some time.


More hints from the neighbor on the best lures for catching walleye. Kent is fashioning some that meet the criteria as we speak.  We will try them out tomorrow.

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