Oh, oh car trouble

It started with an intermittent squeal and quickly progressed to boiling over overheating.  Turns out a cut in the upper radiator hose leaking onto the fan belt causes trouble all around.  I had blamed the squeaking on the downpour earlier in the day until the sweet/nasty smell of hot antifreeze drifted our way.  We pulled to the side of the road and had hardly stopped moving when the first car stopped to offer assistance.  Luckily we had drinking water/radiator fluid along to replace the lost fluid long enough to get back to town.  The repair shop where we stopped dropped what they were doing and reviewed the situation.  Alas no new hose until tomorrow.  But wait, the split is near the end, we’ll just cut off about 2 inches, clamp it tight and that should hold until a new hose can be obtained.  Within an hour we were on the road again.  Whew.

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