OK, one more trip to the city

I’m sort of weaning myself off granddaughter Willa. We spent some of every day for three weeks. I stretched it to a whole week without seeing her (em, I mean them). We are running into New York City just for a few hours for a quick fix. The drive sucks…like usual… but the visit was great. Grandpa and Nana get Willa for a long walk and visit to the park. We talk. Willa “talks”. We laugh. Willa graces us with big grins. We check out trees and flowers and birds and even try out the swings (not a big hit with Willa but she tolerated it so Nana could swing). We spend a little time with Mike and Tracy then scurry on to let them get on with their day. I think it was enough of a fix to last till we see them next in October. I will be thinking of them though when we hike to great vistas or catch a big fish. Love you Mike, Tracy, and Willa.

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