On the lake all day

Glassy smooth and fog shrouded.  Kent and I slid the kayaks along the lakeshore and enjoyed the unveiling as the fog lifted and the local wildlife awoke.


After breakfast, we are up for some more time on the water.  It is quite the scene.  Bright colored kayaks are stacked crosswise on the boat as we meander the campground loops, make our way to the ramp, and launch.  Kent struggles to see over the pile as the boat comes up on plane.  This is certainly the fastest these kayaks will ever move!  Across the lake we find a smooth bay with undeveloped shoreline and Brian and I set out to explore.

The lake bottom is a bit mucky and we struggle to keep our water shoes from being sucked right off our feet with every step.  We are getting better at getting into the kayaks but I suspect there is an easier way than the straddle method we are using.

We are on our way.  This bay is home for many: A mama mallard and her ducklings swam right past us.  A pair of swans gracefully kept their distance.  Lots of turtles, swimming and sunning.  A hawk being harassed by black birds.  A close up view of lily pad blossoms, bright yellow and delicate white.  Frogs croaking from deep in the reeds.

We cross the lake and make our way to sand bar and shady bank to meet back up with Kent.

Nap time for me and the guys set out for a bit more paddling.  Brian probably logged nearly 4 hours in the kayak today.  I think maybe he enjoys it.

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