On to Kingston

I head back to TN and pick up the rig then on to WV to catch up with family.

Had a good visit with Wayne and Aunt Doris.  Dementia continues to make life a struggle for Doris and family.  It would claim her in June.  I also enjoyed time with Aunt Arlene, Charlotte, Marilyn & Mark, Lisa, Mary & John as well as Aunt Louease and her oldest Mike who was visiting from Virginia.

There was a minor equipment problem.  As I unhooked from the trailer in Pt Pleasant, I noted the hitch ball was no longer tight and had worn the bar so tightening was not feasible.  Luckily the part I needed was readily available at Tractor Supply.

Had a scrumptious Easter dinner Bill and Cyndi Gibbs, we shared travel tips, discussed their upcoming Ireland United Kingdom trip and the possibility of a high school class reunion.  We will see if interest develops in a reunion.

Checked the forecast prior to my departure for PA and found 8-10 inches of snow forecast for I-68 in the mountains of MD, so I delayed departure by 1 day and watched on traffic cameras as tow trucks pulled tractor trailers up the mountains.  Good choice.

Travel to PA then on to NY

In PA my stay was at Codorus State Park. The Garmin sent me to the office parking lot, which was a bit of a challenge getting turned around.  I met the ranger, who later stopped by camp to check in.

Guardhouse ranger very helpful, had me drive to site and unload near site since it was a mile to the front parking lot.  Called a campground host to help me back in the overflow parking lot.


Travel on to NY was uneventful with the trailer drop-off at storage in Kingston going without a hitch.  Stopped by Mike and Tracy’s house and picked up Lynn for the trailer drop and car unload.  She is much better at getting into and out of the car in the trailer than I am.  Took the motorhome back south to Sylvan Lake for a few days prior to moving to Mike’s driveway for a while over the summer.  We will be staying in their basement apartment while we help with the continuing renovations.

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