Other Pocono thoughts

RVing for the weekend here can be either in the infield-it is huge and surely can accommodate more than 1000 RVs-or outside the track in the family RV area or trackside/overview area. We stayed in the family RV area. It was right outside turn 3 so we heard all the practice and ARCA race as the sound spilled out over the wall. It was about the right amount of noise to keep us in the racing spirit. The area was grassy and pretty flat. Sites were very close together. They strongly recommend generator exhaust stand pipes so you don’t asphyxiate your neighbor! But, this race wasn’t sold out so we only had neighbors on one side….no problems.

Fan fair was right there so we could scope out all the merchandise without even going to the infield. I managed to limit my wardrobe additions to the tie dyed T-shirt but there was every manner of attire available. Miss Sprint Cup was there too. Nice gold jumpsuit!

400 miles was a good length for this track. I guess this was the first year that they shortened it from 500. Good decision.

It is definitely a nice option to spend the night before and after at the track. Traffic was pretty heavy from early in the morning and again until near dark after the race. A bummer to sit in I am sure but it wasn’t too bad from our perspective; relaxing in a lawn chair enjoying a glass of wine.

Oh, and I must mention Lizard Lick towing. They are a big NASCAR sponsor and the management are somewhat of celebrities I guess. They sponsored the free concerts and apparently dispensed free tattoos proudly saying “I go licked”. Classy, right? I passed on that one as well.

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