Perfect lake days?

We are greeted with more strong winds and rough water as we settle in at Lake Rayburn.  The forecast is promising though….  High winds of night one give way to a cool but lovely morning.  This lake is low too, but the ramp is long so the launch goes smoothly.  We get in a full morning on the water before waves build and run us in.  No worries, tomorrow is to be even better weather.    We get two more full days of relaxing lake time.  Fishing is not stellar but just enough catching to make it fun.  We spot river otters and eagles make regular appearances.  It is a nice reminder to schedule in a few days on a lake a bit more often.

The site was lovely as always, a great lakefront view.  They lost water supply to the camp for a couple days.  Not the best for us since we came in with just ¼ tank.  We manage but shorten our stay a couple days.  There was no host but no issues to deal with so not a problem.  They are closing the campground starting Nov 1 for complete utilities upgrade.

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