Pothole slalom

If it were an Olympic event, the Dalton Highway after a few days of rain would be a prime training location.  The south end of the road has gotten markedly worse over the 8 days we have been up here.  Nearly continuous wet conditions plus heavy truck traffic have taken their toll. Muddy Road Comp_5071Kent repeatedly swerved or slowed to a near stop to navigate huge clusters of potholes and climb over pushed up sections of road surface.  He mumbled about soft spots and how slick the dirt they use to finish grade gets when it combines with water.  It made for a long day; 180 miles in 8 hours.  We are back on pavement now for tomorrow’s drive into Fairbanks.

Gray and rainy.  Clouds of voracious mosquitoes.  Tired butts from riding.  Tense driving conditions.  No wildlife viewings.  This was not one of our more fun days in Alaska.

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