Powerful, determined, enormous, fierce, amazing

A young Bald Eagle snatched a fish from the calm waters of the Chesapeake. With that enormous wingspan, stroke after stroke he powered his way high into the sky. We could clearly see his determined eyes and lethal beak as he flew right over our heads to take his prize to a perch somewhere back on the point. Eagles rule!
The unmistakable series of chirps cut through the air as an adult Eagle called to a juvenile as they lifted skyward in the thermals along the shore. They were playing now, or practicing flying. What a picture of grace.
From nowhere, a young Eagle swooped past us overhead. He was close enough to see that he was carrying his most recent catch; more precisely, part of his last catch. He must have been startled off his high perch and heading for a new locale to finish lunch.
Today’s hike took us out on a point between the Chesapeake Bay and the Elk River. It turns out that it was a great place for Eagle watching.

The bright sunny day brought out lots of cardinals and orioles too. As a bonus, there is a lighthouse out on the point. Elk Neck State Park in Maryland. It’s a good stop.

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