
We came over a crest on I 10 and there it was, a sea of white dots scattered across the desert.

There are lots of motorhomes and the first of many 2012 shows has already begun. There is a huge event tent and venders lining the road as we head for the camping area. We bypassed all that today. We figured we had better get settled in during daylight since it is a cross country drive to find that perfect spot. We plan to check out the “attractions” tomorrow.

We picked a site a couple miles off the highway and not too close to any of the already staked out areas. It seems the practice is to gather stones from around the area and define a perimeter for your space here. We didn’t go as far as to do that but we did respect all those that had already been laid. People are friendly and we have been told that the folks with lots of boondocking experience are full of advice…good and perhaps not so good…for any newbies like ourselves. Guess we well see what we learn.

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