Red Rock Canyon Conservation Area

The BLM manages a section of land just 15 miles outside of the Vegas city limits. It’s all about the geology and a wonderful thing that they have managed to save it from developmenRedRockCanyon Comp_1659t.  “Young sandstone monoliths are overshadowed by the ancient La Madres all courtesy the keystone thrust, a huge geologic movement millions of years ago that got the rocks all “out of order”.  Our hike around white rock mountain gave us some great views.  It was a bit overcast so colors don’t photograph so great and it’s really the scale of it all that makes the impact.  Pictures will just have to serve to conjure up the more complete memories.

Mule deer watched us curiously as they munched on some choice morsels. Antelope ground squirrels scurried across our path.  The raucous cries of a hungry raptor fledgling escaped from somewhere high in the cliffs.  Scrub jays noisily darted tree to tree along the trail.  Not bad on the wildlife front considering the number of hikers.  This place must really be busy on weekends.  Many of the trailhead parking lots were overflowing on a Wednesday.

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