Robert is Here!

It is a tourist trap, I know. We just can’t resist a stop at Robert is Here Fruit Stand and Farm.  Despite the name, their biggest claim to fame is actually milkshakes.  Who would have guessed?  Anyway, our first purchase is two $7 milkshakes, one key lime and one key lime/strawberry.  Ok, they are really good.  We buy some real produce too; field ripened tomatoes and fresh arugula.  I am looking forward to salad for supper.

I have resisted many a time as we travel the south but today I can’t pass them up.   I lay out a few bucks for a cup if boiled peanuts dipped fresh out of a boiling Crockpot.  They smell a lot like dirt, the shell is soggy and tough to tear.  As for the taste, think very salty soup beans.  They don’t taste anything like dry roasted peanuts.  I can say it.  I have tried boiled peanuts.  Not terrible but I don’t think I will have any trouble passing them up the next time we come upon them.

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