San Bernard NWR summary

Temperatures and humidity are rising as is the mosquito count.  Daytime highs in the 80’s with nighttime lows around 70.  Mosquitoes are really blooming and downright miserable so it is time to head north. So much for the thought that a good freeze would reduce the number of mosquitoes.  If February’s freeze did not do it, nothing will. Covid measures modified and reduced interactions with staff and between volunteers.  We had to schedule separate times for the community cabin and sanitize between each use.  Even still time was by all measures very productive.  Same great staff and a volunteer couple from last year and a new volunteer couple Bob and Janis. I worked most closely with Bob a very talented and hard-working gentleman

 who made the time here enjoyable and productive.  They kinda looked after me while Lynn was in NY, checking on me after vaccinations and during inclement weather.  And there was the delicious meal or treat from time to time to save me from my own cooking. Hopefully, our paths will cross again.

One thought on “San Bernard NWR summary

  1. Kent, I just checked out your blog and I like the project descriptions. Are you busy with the remodeling projects in NY? We did two months at Saylorville Lake, a project filled month with our daughter’s family in Sioux City and we just got to Bismarck, ND today. Hope you and Lynn are doing well.

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