She is here!

Our newest granddaughter, Hazel Soleil Sayre, arrived today 10/13 at 2:36 PM. Covid protocols keep us from visiting the hospital so we are limited to photos for now.  Reports confirm all 10 fingers and all 10 toes and from the pics we know she is beautiful, of course, in the red and wrinkly newborn sort of way!  Mom and Dad are “Over the moon”.  We are hanging out with big sister Willa all anxiously awaiting Hazel’s homecoming.

Friday the 15th; rumor had it that today would be the day and after an all-too-tedious, delay-filled discharge process the kids are headed home.  Planned arrival, 5PM.  Wouldn’t you know it, Willa is napping but Nana and Grandpa are excitedly watching out the window.  Willa and I made a welcome home sign.  It is appreciated by all!  Then in comes Hazel, peaceful and wonderous just chilling in her car seat.  She is in my arms within minutes then Grandpa’s too as Mom and Dad check in with Willa to see if she is ready to greet Little Sis. It gives us a chance for a little get-to-know-you time one on one with Hazel before the excitement of the full family introduction.  That is a joy to watch too as Willa sings her way down the stairs to meet the little person she has been hugging in Mommy’s tummy for months.  What a beautiful family!

So, Hazel Soleil statistics: Born Oct 13, 2021 at 2:36Pm.  Weighing in at 8lbs and 2ozs and 20.75 inches long.  Healthy and with a good set of lungs.

Nana statistics: amazed, blessed, over joyed, content, proud…babies, such a miracle-in the scientific sense- that birth is amazing and in the way they embody so much love.  Welcome Hazel. We love you.

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