Smoky Mountain National Park


We rarely, maybe never before chose trails based on wildflower sightings but just have to give it a try here.  SMNP is renowned for the variety of wildflowers found here (1400 recorded) and we are right in the heart of spring season.

We choose two Creekside trails, Porters Creek and Little River Trails.  The sound of tumbling, gurgling water fills the air as we inspect the earth either side of the trail for all signs of color.  Sometimes it is an isolated bloom or a small cluster in a sheltered crack or along a stump and other times a whole area is blanketed with color.  It is great fun.  Kent has a lot of pics for me to identify but that will take a while.  I will add a note later.  Evidence of previous land use dot the trail-sides adding interest to the walk: stone chimneys, rock walls, cemeteries and old foundations.

On Porters Creek we turned back as the sky darkened.  A fellow enthusiast we met on the trail informed us we turned just a fraction of a mile early and missed an area blanketed with felicia…….but we beat the rain as the first drops hit while we got into the car.

One more trail, Chestnut Top.  It is a steep, sunny south slope so the walk is a bit more taxing but it has a nice sampling of flowers including a couple varieties not seen Creekside.

I think we might do wildflower looking again sometime.

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