So peaceful

The bright morning sun glints off the sheltered waters as we slide along the Intercoastal waterway. Pelicans, cormorant, and terns dot sandbars and breakwater along the way.Birds on bar web_0598 Whooping Cranes ply the wet lands in search of tasty morsels. The comfortable, cabined “Little Giant” with twin 150hp outboards carries us 8 ½ miles along the carefully marked channel to Matagorda Island.
Matagoda web_0594Stretching some 38 miles the barrier island protects the rich wetlands of coastal Texas. The North end is managed by Texas parks and Wildlife and the South end by Aransas NWR. We are out here to do some repair work and cleanup on Refuge property; nothing terribly taxing so we can take in the beautiful setting. Herons squawk and pelicans fish nearby as I repair boards on the boardwalk. The sun warms my face. A pair of porpoise moves along the sand bars that parallel the beach. Buck whitetail flash their tails and show off their impressive antlers. We just soak it in over a quiet lunch. Facilities are pretty rustic but I think I could spend some time out here!
Not today, works done and we are heading home.

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