Super bloom

A neighbor in camp came in from a trip out to Oatman, AZ and raved about the poppy bloom off Rte 66.  It sounds too good to miss.  We set out this morning to visit the burros and check out the poppies.  It is magnificent.  Clusters of bright orange California poppies dot washes and combine to create blankets of color that seem to splash up hillsides.  We off-road on a two track (we can do that now in our high clearance 4-wheel drive pick-up…nice) then walk to make our way toward a lovely orange bloom.  It is amazing the dozens of other flowers found along the way.  If you are in the desert in the spring, get out and walk (carefully of course).

Heading home I google it.  Rainfall timing and amounts have been perfect.  They (not sure if there is an official “they” or just consensus) have declared a wild-flower super bloom in this section of the south west and it should last ‘til late May+.  Love it.

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