The Coast to the Mountains

We start with beachside breakfast along Colac Bay; coffee and blueberry-white chocolate scones. It is yummy but anything tastes good with a view like this. For those considering passing through here, the freedom camping here by the boat ramp looks pretty nice. You’ll likely have a bit of company but its level, has a nice restroom, and a great ocean view. That’s at least two attributes better than the Tavern Holiday park!
It is low tide so we check out Monkey Island. A giant bolder sits some 100 meters out the beach. Since the tide is out we stroll the soft sand – bare feet would feel nice – then clamber across smaller boulders – boots were a good choice – to reach narrow concrete steps that take us to a platform atop the boulder, Monkey Island. Another spectacular view is made perfect as the only sounds to be heard are the crash of waves and the call of oyster catchers. Shell fish hunting looks to be pretty good and it is fun to watch how the birds work their way into each of the different types of mollasks.
Our last look seaward, at least for now, is at McCracken Rest. The waves break across a number of tiny islands that Maori legend claims are the broken teeth of a giant whale that chewed the strait between mainland and Steward island. Scientist explanation is once again less colorful, the islands are erosion resistant remnants of a long-ago volcanic rim.

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