The hunt continues

The other two houses are along the TN side of the mountains but about 4 hours south of our current camp.  Our local realtor enlisted assistance from a knowledgeable associate in that area who met us at the 1st candidate.  It is a winner: log with lots of great interior wood detail, great-room living space feel, cozy, two bedrooms plus a big loft all on a quiet private lot.  The second candidate is a barn-like structure and further back into the National Forest.  Intriguing.  We look at it for about 3 minutes and rule it out.  Interesting and quirky; but, no.  We wander back toward civilization via some really forgotten roads (thank you Garmin).  Once we acquire a cell signal, we call the realtor to confirm our intent to make an offer on today’s house #1.  We learn that the seller has another offer but they will hold their decision until 4PM the next day.  Bummers.  We make the long trek back to camp arriving after 10PM and crash for the night.  The next morning our offer goes in and the waiting begins.  It seems like an eternity until Saturday evening at around 8PM when we learn our offer has been accepted.  We got it!  The process begins.

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