They call it informal camping

(Mercifully, no more miserable mosquito nights)

Along the 235 miles of Dalton Highway between Coldfoot and Deadhorse there are exactly 0 campgrounds.  That might not seem problematic until you realize that the average speed for a motorhome on this road is about 25mph.  The solution, informal camping.  That means parking along the road in pull offs, side roads, or pipeline access roads and living off whatever you brought with you.  If you can get off the road far enough to avoid flying rocks and the noise it is actually a great experience.

Our first night at the foot of Slide MountainSlide Mtn Camp Com_4777 brought Dall Sheep, Arctic Ground Squirrels and birds to watch.  We are on thick permafrost here and had a great example of subterranean ice along a pond bank.  The mountain views are spectacular.



Our second night found us at the bank of the Sag River Sag River Campsite comp_4900in a meadow of wildflowers.  It is a wide braided river with multiple streams rushing downhill tumbling round rocks along with it.  It is a wonderful sound.  I marvel at the acrobatics of a Yellow Wagtail as it dives and loops seemingly tirelessly catching bugs mid air.

Third night is at Atigun Pass. Atigan Pass Comp_5016 It is a roadside site so likely will be noisy tonight but we picked it so I can watch the Dall Sheep.  We are on the continental divide and at the headwaters (mountaintop snow pack) of the Atigun River.  Three beautiful Harlequin ducks are expertly maneuvering in the cold rushing water then curling up like fancy painted bocce balls to rest.

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