This place has TREES

The groves in Yosemite are lovely but are completely dwarfed by those here at Sequoia.  Together, The Giant Forest and Redwood Mountain Groves are home of 24,600 Sequoia trees over a foot in diameter (over 100 yrs old).  General Sherman is the largest living thing in the world.

Back in the Giant Forest grove, away from the paved trails is a peaceful place.  Silent except the soft swish of wind in the towering boughs, the sharp tap-tap of woodpeckers drilling holes to hide their cash or chipping their way to bugs, the dull thud of sequoia cones falling against the stately trunks as squirrels cut them loose to stash for winter.  Walk a bit.  It is worth the effort.

A good looking buck trotted across a forest meadow. Reports are that that black bear make this their home, not today apparently.  Maybe tomorrow.

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