Trip to Louisville

We want to work in a stop in Louisville on the way to New York.  The best travel option has us leave the rig in TN and drive a side-trip by car for a few days.  We visited then Lynn caught a flight from there to NY to help with Willa and Hazel.  Traveling through TN we hit snow sticking to the road on I-75.  Even though traffic was pretty heavy everyone just gradually slowed and we continued north for the few miles.  It was kind of humorous at the next rest area to see the baggage shuffle as the Spring Breakers returning from Florida dug for the long northern clothes to replace the shorts and sandals they were wearing. Had a good visit with Tammy and family and Peg, Deb, and Ron, Becky and Mark.  It was good to catch up after a couple of years of Covid separation

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