Two out of three

Our first day out on the refuge and we saw pronghorn and one grouse. A group of mule deer made a showing too but no big horn sheep even with a 6 mile hike to a sheep viewing “hot spot”.  We have one more place to try tomorrow.

Like nearly all public land out here, they have wild horse and burros. A wild horse posed as he enjoyed a cool drink but no wild burros.  We didn’t even hear them.

A bit out of place, three white pelicans hung out at a little desert lake where a Bald eagle played “big fish in a little pond” trying to run off ravens and vultures.

It felt like we were the only ones here. We did not meet a single car on 80 miles of refuge road except a convoy of official white refuge trucks on the mission to check out something at one of the historic ranch sites.

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