Voyageurs National Park

Another land of lakes and islands.  Voyageurs terrain is much like BWCA.  They allow power boats in the big outer lakes so this part doesn’t feel as wilderness as BW.  If we were to head into the interior of the park, inner lakes with trail only access and paddle only use) it would likely be quite similar.   There is a twist though, the Park stations canoes at the inner lakes so you can just hike your camping gear in and not portage a canoe.  That sounds appealing.

So far we have just explored by Kayak to the islands closest to camp.  Having just come off a week of sleeping on the ground, that is likely as ambitious as we will be this visit.

Lucky us

Northern Minnesota is experiencing a hot spell.  Normal average temperature here for this date is 74F.  Today is forecast for 90+.  Humidity is in the 90% range too.  STEAMY.

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