Walking the steel

One of the newer adventures on the Gorge is walking the catwalk under the New River Gorge Bridge.  Catwalk Comp_1699It stretches the full length of the structure and is about 20 feet below the roadbed.




That still puts it about 850 feet above the river.  You wear a safety harness Walking Steel Comp_1706during the walk.  Pretty cool to see the steel and hear the construction history of this engineering marvel.   The structure moves a bit with traffic rumbling overhead.

Perigrine Comp_1693 We shared the steel with a family of Peregrine Falcons.  At least 3 fledglings and 1 adult were hanging around.  Perigrine in beam Comp_1655One fledgling was still hanging out in the nest planted firmly within an opening in a steel beam.  According to our guide they were introduced to the site and have eliminated a developing pigeon and swallow population problem.

Far below, the New River beckons us to return.Gorge from bridge comp_1628

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