We hang out in Kingston a while

Both girls stay with their regular routines; school for Willa and all-day daycare for Hazel.  A couple of snow days and late starts give us a little extra time with Willa. We used one of those bonus times for her to bake a beautiful three tier cake.  Wonderful, delicious and beautiful. We built an indoor obstacle course, great fun for everyone.

Weekends offer up some fun times.  Hazel and Granpa go to gymnastics where Granpa gets an opportunity to work on his pre-school gymnastic support.  We head for the Wooden Wheel Roller Skating Rink.  Still a little practice needed but skills are improving.  With skating, bounce house and some yummy ice cream, a good time is had by all.

Mike prepares a delicious going away dinner, mushroom wellington and mashed pots with a fantastic gravy (actually Ravigote-that I remember the name only because it morphed to rabid goat in my brain).  The meal rounds out with a bubbly prosecco toast to a great visit and black raspberry shortcake.  Lovely.

All too soon it is time for Granpa and Nana to get back to Tennessee and search for the elusive log cabin home.  With a slightly delayed start for goodbyes, arrival at the motorhome is well after dark (723 miles in 12 1/2 hours on the road).  We find all well and settle in for the night.  De-winterizing will wait till tomorrow.

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