Well, that was fun!

We are tooling up US 52 through rolling wheat fields dotted with little towns. Our destination, Brookville Lake. Then, traffic just stopped. No flashing lights. No sirens. We sat right there for 45 minutes with no word. We are smack in the middle of a straight stretch with no cross road in sight to try to get around whatever is happening. Cars made u-turns and headed back the way we came. Trucks (and this truck sized RV) just had to sit. Now it’s been an hour. A Sherriff cruises by us in the oncoming lane lights twinkling. Another 15 and we see him working his way back the line chatting with every driver. To Kent he says, you’ll have to wait with the trucks. We have a line down across the road. You can’t get around. We shut it down and wait. Finally we hear diesel engines growl to a start and spy oncoming traffic. Before long we are rolling again. I am not certain but I am pretty sure that is our record for a stopped-dead-in-traffic delay. I hope we don’t beat it any time soon.

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