Wild blueberries

Our neighbor here in camp has been talking about her “bottling” blueberries since we met them.  The berries are in peak season and they have found a patch in the park that is just hanging blue with berries.  She is actually making compote and hot packing it in pints to take home.  They have 30 jars (pound jars she calls them).  Wow.  That’s a larger scale than we are interested in but we can’t pass up a bit of picking of our own.  We set out to find a patch.  While the neighbor did share a lot about her canning activity she did NOT share where this magnificent patch is located.  No problem, we will find our own patch.  We have picked along the road here at this park before.  We drove a little, picked a little, drove a little, picked a little.  This was really like work.  There must be a better patch.

Oh yeah, Kent found it along a dead end road at the edge of the park.  The bushes were just loaded with berries.  The hillside was blue. Blueberries comp_0144 We quickly picked a gallon or so.  Once the mosquitoes found us we had lots of motivation to pick faster.  We will have plenty to eat up.  I don’t plan to do any bottling.

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