Yellowstone Winter Couples Adventure In a nutshell

Winter offers a wonderful perspective in the park. Bright white snow cover provides brilliant contrast along waterways and throughout the landscape.  Cold air amplifies steam plumes creating eerie views at thermal features.  Visitation averages around 2.5% of peak summer crowds making for a blissfully low-stress trek through the park.  It also allows wildlife to move more freely and openly near visitor traveling corridors making for frequent and more casual sightings.

Four days devoted to exploring provides for lots of flexibility to backtrack or reorder activities and just hang out a few minutes longer to meet everyone’s expectations for the trip. It was a nice change having someone else doing all the planning and organizing.

The guide makes the experience.  John’s obvious devotion to and reverence for this place along with his easy nature with the group makes him perfect.

I am not sure I am in favor of all the snowmobiles in the park. When they show up in large groups it feels a bit like an invasion.  Maybe that’s just me?

Fun tidbit – Old Faithful employees participate in their own version of the Olympics in late February.  There are classic winter events and decidedly non-traditional events all in the spirit of team building and moral boosting.  Seems visitors can come and observe.  Might be worth looking into if you are planning a winter outing to Yellowstone in the future.

To close the loop; my trepidation was unfounded.  Our traveling companions were wonderful people with which to share this awesome place.

One thought on “Yellowstone Winter Couples Adventure In a nutshell

  1. Thanks for sharing this, and thanks for the compliments! I’m happy to hear this trip was so enjoyable for you; it was a lot of fun for me too.

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