It is called The Worlds Biggest Fish Fry and folks around Paris Tennessee take it pretty seriously. This is their 60th year for the event. We were met with a huge line filling a holding maze and wrapping all the way around the “fish tent” before we could get to the featured fare. The line moved fairly quickly and the food was well worth the wait. Tasty, flaky catfish wrapped in a crunchy cornmeal coating….fantastic. The hushpuppies and slaw were great too. I can see why folks might return year after year. I ate more than I should have then opted out of all the spinning, bouncing, and stomach churning rides in their midway. I am not sure that anyone should have an all-you-can-eat dinner and carnival rides at the same venue!
They have outgrown the tent that originally housed the event and moved to an exhibit hall on the fairgrounds. It has a huge outdoor kitchen that we just had to check out….after we ate of course. Cooler sized packages of frozen fish fillets were hefted from a truck and dumped into open stock watering troughs (never used for that purpose we assumed) and thawed under running water while stirred with boat oars. The ten second rule was definitely in full force when handling those frozen chunks of fish. They didn’t waste any.
The fish was bailed out into milk crates to drain a bit then hand breaded by the hundreds in a mostly cornmeal breading. Washtub sized caldrons of hot oil came next. Under the watchful eyes of experienced fryers the coated fillets were transformed into those wonderfully yummy morsels. Light on the inside, crispy on the outside hushpuppies emerged from other similar vats. It is evident that they have done this a time or two.