Yellowstone claims an intact, in balance, ecosystem that operates well without human intervention now that the wolves have returned as the top predator. I even asked our wildlife guide if they removed or relocated animals to maintain a balance. No, he said, rather smugly. Nature has it under control and manages it much better than man ever could hope to. I was thrilled at the thought that it was actually possible to restore a balance when we had messed it up so much.
Not exactly! No surprise, many of the Yellowstone elk move down off the high plateau to escape the harsh winters. They always have. But now to the south it is to a fenced in refuge since Jackson Hole is in the way…no problem I guess. But wait, they are fed alfalfa pellets when they are there? The refuge is one fourth the size needed to provide winter range for the herd that is supported in the Parks in the summer. Hummm. Not quite the natural balance claimed. And what, there is a Park sanctioned hunt on the refuge and in Grand Teton Park every fall to reduce numbers?! That doesn’t sound at all like Mother Nature maintaining balance.
I still believe that these Parks are accomplishing great things; they just lost a little luster for me. Rats! We still have a lot to do to be sure this is all still for our grandkids and their kids and all.