We noticed heavy smoke along the south canyon rim as we made our way to the East Desert View entrance to Grand Canyon. They posted it, managed fire next ten miles, do not report. No problem, we have seen that before. We settled into the campsite in the national forest and headed into the park to check out the visitor center and backcountry office. I saw flames not far back from the road and a big knot of fire rangers and park rangers chatting along the roadside. They looked pretty un-busy so we stopped for that all important question; Are we too close? “Oh no, mama, you are at least a mile and a half away.” I guess for a guy who has been out starting fires and tromping around it, 1 ½ miles is a LONG ways. I would have felt a little better if it were 5 miles or so. But he reassured me, you will probably notice a little smoke but all is really just fine.