It was fun to watch at first. Within hours of arriving we began to see a robin sort of fluttering outside the side window. After a few appearances we realized that he/she was carrying nesting materials and was feverishly building, on the passenger’s side mirror of the motorhome. He brought sticks, bits of plastic, some masking tape, and mud. We had to discourage it, we won’t be here long enough to raise a family. Kent knocked the nest down. The robin built again. I knocked it down. He built again. This has gone on for about two days and the bird just won’t give up. There is mud splattered all down the side of the cab and a fair sized pile of debris scattered on the running board and fuel tank. What a mess.
I jammed a bottle into the perfect little alcove above the mirror and that seemed to do the trick. We were gone so I am not sure how long the robin might have worried at trying to build around it but it seems he has given it up and sought another location. He is bit-by-bit hauling his pieces of rubbish and twigs onto a graceful maple limb not far away. I sure hope that homebuilding goes more smoothly.