The mountain pass at Mt Timpanogos is still snowed in so we were turned back at every approach. First from the East….ok, looks clear, then patches of snow roadside, well maybe half way across the road, oh,oh, now is across and too deep to continue. So close, we made it to 7700 feet altitude only to have to turn around.
Try again. This time on paved road. This time the Forest Service folks turned us back long before we hit any road issues. “The pass opens in early June” they said!
We did make it as far as Robert Redford’s Sundance Resort. It is a rustic looking, rambling lodge back a narrow canyon on Utah 92. Skiing is it’s main attraction but it could be a pretty relaxing place to do a bit of communing with nature any time of the year. We strolled the grounds and checked out the stores and café. My only purchase, a Virgil’s Root beer made by REED’s Inc. The recipe “Originated in England”: anise, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, wintergreen, sweet birch, molasses, nutmeg, pimento berry oil, balsam oil, cassia oil. What an ingredient list. I’m not sure what exactly is in A&W but these guys just can’t best them. Give me my AWWW anytime.